Thursday 8 December 2011

late bloomers

Yo, so I bought a shitload of stuff from AA online while theyre having their sale and today I was just going to the gym for my cycle class from hell and sitting in Mickey D's for hours chatting obnoxiously loud with mah gurls so I wore my bloomers in quite a chill, no-real-thought way. It was kind of warm too, for once.
Oh, and I found this YSL brown lipstick I bought last year at the Seoul airport thinking it was nude and proceeded to never wear it. What a fool I was, I actually am really feeling this whole brown lips thang. It feels wierd to wear neuturals, i'm more used to fluoros n shitz

Crochet Top: Evil Twin (?)
Shorts: market stall
Bloomers: American Apparel

Lately i've been getting really into seventh heaven, I make all my commitments after 11am so I can watch it.

gutter ballz

Peace out xoxo

Monday 28 November 2011


Shonen Knife are my favorite thing ever. On the D.L, I teared up listening to 'Happy Birthday' on the bus one time.

All images courtesy of Tumblr

Tuesday 22 November 2011

That Shameful time a really long time ago when I wore creepers for a week

I was photographed by fashion blogger Hayley (She's so lovely) for her blog while walking to my japanese tutoring a couple of weekends ago, I look super awkiebeans because I WAS super awkiebeans but it's quite exciting and fun.
The full post is here:

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Day Tripper Yeh


How can I be an empowered single laydee with all this smooching going on? Oh. and heres one of me looking classy

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Went formal shopping with Rosie around Paddington, we looked like a little gang in our denim jackets
oh, and my hairs been cut

Jacket: thrifted
T-shirt: markets
Shirt: AA
Skirt: French Kitty
Tights: AA
Shoes: Furr